Let us start at the top of you page, the index or home page with something like this (After your header graphic or your logo):
1. The heading tag – includes a keyword/keywords or keyword phrase/phrases. A heading tag is an HTML tag used to make the normal body text to a large or bigger and bold text, so search engine gives more importance on it because you are emphasizing it.

2. Heading tag has 6 sizes range from H6- H1. H1 is the largest text size and H6 being the smallest size. If you can learn to use a little Cascading Style Sheet codes, you can actually control the size of your headings and you can even put some design. If you like, you could make your H1 size to be slightly bigger than your normal text and the search engine will still see it as an important heading as if you emphasizing the text.
3. After that would be an intro that will fully describes your main theme. Several of your top keywords and keyword phrases will be included. Repeating your top 1 or top 2 keywords more than a few times, including your other keyword search terms too would really helps, but don’t sacrifice your sentences just for the sake of SEO, you still want your sentences to makes sense especially to your readers.
4. Using other more specific words related to “dog treats” could be added at the second paragraph.
5. You can put smaller heading next.
6. You need to list all the links to your pages and have a brief description of each link using your keywords or keyword phrases in the anchor text. You may also want to have several web pages of relevant and quality content to link toward. Repeating that procedure to your theme related to all of your links will really help.
7. Next step, you might include a closing keyword loaded paragraph. Having to much is not necessarily better when it comes to keywords.  Writing “dog treats” thirty to sixty times across your page would probably make you a spammer because you’re trying to cheat. Preferably, your page text would have 2% - 20% of your keywords. The general guideline is 2-20 rule, you can go higher if it isn’t redundant yet and still makes sense to you readers.

8. Last and final step, with your book reviews and links, list all your secondary content. Keep them short and juicy. You might want to include other site sections with a link to another. These can be optimized to their own theme.
Now you know all the important top of your page. This was just an example to show you one way to set up a strong site theme. Use your imagination; this could be the solution to online business problems or maybe you can be an Outsourced SEO writer.

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