The FHA housing loans program was created to help out the millions of Americans who need to get a home loan but cannot because they were stricken by the economic crisis. It is also able to help a lot of the homeowners facing foreclosure. The FHA itself (The Federal Housing Administration) was created way back in the 1930’s. Back then, America, our glorious capitalist country, was also suffering from another economic recession which we all know as the Great Depression. Incidentally, this world economic recession is a prelude to World War II.

Going back to the Great Depression during the 1930’s one can find a profound image of hardship etched on the faces of the people. We have all seen the pictures as well as how this era was depicted in movies and television shows. This is a rather sad time for the country. I remember seeing the pictures of the people when I was a kid.

There are many famous black and white photos of that era. One of my favorite photos is the one entitled “lunchtime atop a skyscraper.” That was one very scary photo. It shows several workers having lunch on their lunch break, nothing so strange or out of the ordinary about that right? Except that these workers, around eleven of them in the picture, are all sitting on a thin steal beam with no ropes or anything to hold on to while below their dangling feet are the dwarfed sprawling buildings of the cityscape. Just imagining being there hanging a hundred stories up in the sky with no support or handhold is enough to make my stomach churn with butterflies. There are also the pictures of those old ladies and old men just sitting around, jobless, homeless. There was no FHA housing loan back then. You can automatically see the hardship in their faces and expressions. There are also pictures of food distribution where people lined up to get a piece of bread or some soup.

And now I look at our nation and this current recession and I see the same faces. However, we are definitely much better off with our modern affordable conveniences. But still, the faces of the people whose homes were taken away from them, the faces of my friends whose jobs’ were lost, the faces of those whose businesses plummeted, I see in these faces the same hardship. And I am thankful that the FHA housing loan program exists to help everyone out.

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