E-learning involves a collection of information using computers. It can be based on a CD-ROM, network or internet, and encompasses the utilization and/or combination of text, video, audio and animation. It is an innovative, flexible learning experience that can increase information retention and learning efficiency.

There are fundamental instructional models that make E-Learning a possibility. These modes of training or models include the following: (1) Tutorials. This mode presents information in a linear manner. It is best implemented at an established pace using easy-to-understand content and practice tests. Practice tests ensure mastery of content, and these are usually given at the end of a topic. In order to advance further to the next topic, the learner must first pass the test; (2) Simulations. These are used to recreate life like situations to allow the learner to learn more effectively; (3) Electronic Performance Support Systems (EPSSs). Instead of having to receive instruction, the learner has the power to determine as to when they need assistance with the use of a guidance system; (4) Instructional Games. This is a fun and effective method that encourages self-assessment and reinforcement. The competitiveness evoked in a game acts as a motivation to complement learning. An important part of this method is the reward which is the key to reinforcing good performance; (5) Guidance, Records and Tests. Tests and records are used to assess the quality and amount of learning. These tests are computer graded and are reported back to the administration and; (6) Mode Combination. Combining the different modes result in more effective learning. Through the combination of the different strengths of each mode, more specific needs and goals are met, thus increasing information reception, retention, and reinforcement.

It is important to take note of the strengths and weaknesses of each mode. This way, the learner can determine the most suitable mode for him that best encourages effective and efficient elearning.
9/20/2010 11:29:19 am

The wise never marry, and when they marry they become otherwise.《GARFIELD》

9/20/2010 04:41:32 pm

Virtue is bold, and goodness never fearful. (William Shakespeare, British dramatist)


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