Modern business has become a whole lot more complex since the down of advanced software technologies and the internet. Software development has lead to a lot more complicated problems that are hard to solve since information is usually hard to find. Conversely, the very same software development has created the right communication technology pathways and tools that let this knowledge become more available in the form of elearning tools. Learning on-the-job has now been facilitated by elearning tools. Today, working and learning are come side by side in the corporate world that the difference between the two terms has lessened.

When Web 2.0 boomed as a fad, the system software work tools as well as the learning tools have become one and the same. Here is a good example of just what this means. Say an engineer for a software company finds a problem on the job as he is trying to develop a module. In order to solve this problem and in order to learn, this engineer might do several of the following:

-The engineer may go through the internet learning system and search for a good course related or directed at the problem he has encountered. Of course usually such courses will not contain everything that the engineer needs. Usually these refer to outside sources for further solutions and information.

-The engineer may visit said <a href="">Elearning Software Solutions</a> site most likely be referred by the corporate online learning system. Such resources are also indexed for easy query. Blog listing will also be a very good source of help. These sites will usually contain interactive forums or chat venues. If more information is needed or is not found, the engineer may be able to post the query to be answered online by anyone or an expert in the subject.

-Usually authors of the software texts and articles that are indexed for research by corporate hired engineers have online blogs and tweeter feeds. The engineer may access these experts twitter feeds in order to get more information and perspective on the problem at hand and on the bigger picture at the very same time.

This is just a small taste of how elearning tools have evolved in their use and facilitation. Feeds such as those from Twitter have surprisingly took a major part in corporate development especially since it brings together what used to be a more nebulous field of, say as in the example software developers, and brings knowledge on the subject ready at hand for online searches through the correct channels.

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