What is the internet coming to? There are scams everywhere. The latest scam comes in the form of loan modification leads that arose due to the popularity of loan modification programs.

Here’s the bitter pill that you have to swallow about the internet, around 70% of the content in the internet is unreliable. Texts just proliferate in the internet ad infinitum and are unreliable. This is because ownership of the text in the internet is not as apparent as say an author publishing a book. The author or the source of the texts are unknown and are relatively far from the text they publish in the net. There is a saying that if you post something in the internet, it’s not yours anymore. Anyone can access it and use it in other places. There is also little moderation in the internet as compared to publishing. Anyone can easily just get a free Blog and write things anonymously. Because of the nature of the internet, the relative anonymity and the distance of a post from the person that posted it, the internet is a scammer’s paradise.

The newest scam to hit the net is loan modification scams and these people operate by buying loan modification leads. Though there are legitimate companies that also buy loan modification leads, their reputation is tarnished because of the sheer number of scammers out there that operate with similar techniques.

This new scam is of course due to the current economic recession that has hit so many Americans right now. Banks started giving loans to everyone, and real estate development grew because the demand was increased due to the accessibility of loans. Then this debt started to balloon. It was a void, a bubble in the economy that suddenly popped. Apparently the rich economy that people enjoyed in the past few years was based on the illusion that debt has created. And now that the people are getting more and more desperate, scammers can smell a buffet and gather life vultures. Both scammers and legitimate loan modification program companies will look for loan modification leads anywhere they can find them

Do not be one of those people who are victimized by scams and read up on as many loan modification tips as you can. Your contact number may have been bought through companies buying loan modification leads, but that does not automatically make this company a scammer.

Here are a few simple things you can check out to know if something is a scam or not:

1.    Trust in non profit organizations. They are more than likely more trustable than other organizations.
2.    Look at the quality of the website. If the web design looks expensive, then this is a sign that these people are not scammers because they can invest enough money for quality.
3.    Look at how old the company is (the older, the better), research its background, and look in other places such as forums for real testimonials of people who have used their services before.

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