
It’s amazing what men can accomplish. Feats especially when performed by young people are sure to be immortalized in people’s memories. Every once in a while they come along, folks - who shout CAN or POSSIBLE amidst cries of can’t and impossible. In this league belongs Jay Adams. As a young man he rocked the imagination of many a skateboard fans with his innovative moves. His moves were always intense and full of vigor. He was one of the rare ones who never did any move, the same way twice. Jay Adams was the epitome of spontaneity and fluidity that defied convention yet was art displayed.

Jay Adam’s life is truly inspiring, a masterpiece portraying the great work of God. With a convicted drug addict as a father, Jay joined the ranks of bitter youngsters who came from broken families. His stepfather introduced him to surfing and skating. Despite his success, he too became a convict like his biological dad. But God, the master artesian never gave up on him. He is now a witness for the Christ that He has embraced while in prison. God has stepped in and set in order a broken life, making it like new.

Check out Jay Adams in my favorite Christian Magazine blog.

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