Elearning tools have really saved our company so much time. As a project manager, it was my responsibility to make sure the expenditure did not over shoot our budget and that everything was completed on time, on schedule. However, there are simply certain things that cannot be foreseen. This was a big project for my team of computer programmers. It was a big account for the company as well. It is big not only because of the cost, but also because this is one of our oldest and most faithful clients. Doing a bad job, or God forbid, failing at this project would be tantamount to my professional suicide. But as I said, there are just some things that cannot be foreseen.

The deadline was coming near in a month. But then, we experienced a big problem. The software we primarily used to do our programming was somehow corrupted by a special kind of virus. We could not reload the software again because this new virus, which seemed to have been imported to our system by saboteurs, corrupted the original CD’s system key. There was not really that much time for us. The problem is that the program was expensive. We of course could not use pirated products. Also, there was new software out in the market that was being offered to us at a much lower, price it was almost free since the software was being promoted. Also, it was better than the old software we used anyway. The problem is, the team will need a bit of training to get used to this new software. We did not have the budget or the time to produce trainers and training sessions. What could we do? The deadline was too near.

That was when I suddenly thought about elearning tools. We contracted one and in a flash, they gave us a short primer on the software that the programming group could quickly absorb in their own free time and in their own pace. It was a elearning tool that introduce and simulated the new software. When the team got the feel for the software, it was a piece of cake and production went on at top speed. Elearning Software Solutions are much faster and cheaper than hiring trainers for the whole 56 programmers for the project. It was a stroke of success for me and I was promoted after the project was finished and declared as a big success.
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